Monday, November 3, 2008

To trick-or-treat, or not trick-or-treat that was the question...

I love holidays!! At the beginning of October I got all of the Halloween decorations out!! The house had witches, ghosts and pumpkins everywhere! Since, this was our first Halloween at our new house Russ and I were really excited. We couldn't wait to pass out candy to trick-or-treaters. I even went to the mall and had this cute Halloween bucket engraved that said "The Comptons!" Well, a few weeks ago Russ got a call from his boss letting him know that he would need to be in ATL for the Oct 31st weekend to help with inventory. we then decided that I would go to ATL with him for the weekend. Go figure, as soon as I was printing out my directions to IKEA Russ calls and they don't need him!!! So, it was 3:30 on Halloween and no plans, no candy, nothing!!! We get home and decided to sit out on our back porch and pretend we aren't home. Well, that lasted all about 15 mins. We rush to the store and buy candy, then run out and buy more!!! Here are a couple of pics of Russ and I passing out candy!!
We had picked up some pumpkins on our way home from a wedding in GA a couple of weeks ago. I finally got around to carving them the Tuesday before Halloween. Well, one trick-or-treater asked me if I was an artist. I said "No, but why". The little girl said that my pumpkin was awesome and that I should be a pumpkin carving artist!! I was pretty proud of myself!! Hope everyone had a Happy and Safe Halloween!!!


Christa said...

Glad you had a good weekend!

Um, so how old is that Trick or Treater in the picture!?!?!?!

Stefanie said...

How old is that trick-or-treater?? haha!
Glad you guys had fun. One of the perks of owning a home and living in a neighborhood. We had no visitors at the apartment. Which was good because we totally avoided Halloween all together. Glad you guys had fun!

Chap and Heather said...

WOO HOO!!!! I am soooo excited about your blog, and it is darling =) Thanks for sharing...this is another way we can keep in touch!

I'm glad ya'll had a good Halloween, it was great seeing you this weekend!!!

Colly said...

I'm glad you got to trick or treat. That old guy wasn't playin was he?! What does he got, a pillow sack!!!?? Was his kid around there somewhere....