Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Crazy, but that's how it goes......

I went and got my haircut yesterday!! Well, just a trim. I have been growing it for two years. And it is almost long enough to donate to Locks for Love. (you have to have 10inches) SO, I decided to grow it out a little bit longer, so when i donate my 10 inches I won't have super short hair. Hopefully, this won't take forever because it is starting to get on my nerves.

But, when i was at the hair salon I discovered a new craft!! They were selling these cute picture frames with Bows and Jewels that were super cute!! They were also charging outragous prices for these, so me and another co worker (not the one that i talk about in the following paragraphs), have decided that next weekend we will get together and make these!! They are so neat!! I really can't describe it and i so tried to take a picture with my camera phone, but that would have been way to obvious!!! So, you will have to wait to see the final product!!!


Colly said...

Your office sounds exactly like "The Office"....I wish mine were more like that!

Jaysey said...

Most of the crazy stuff that happens to me at work is from my students. Sometimes I long for a razy office with weird love triangles and baby animals and women in bathing suits--at least your job is entertaining! ;-)
Right now a hornet is flying around my office. I trapped him behind the blinds...but now I am annoyed by all the buzzing.

Stefanie said...

Your office is so interesting and always gives us a good laugh! At least there's never a dull moment!

I can't wait to see these picture frames. Are you guys going to sell them?

So your hair is still really long, eh? Well, I really like it long but if you gotta cut it, then you gotta cut it!

Christa said...

I agree with Steffie!!! I like the hair long! It looked so good at Tara's Engagement Party!

Chap and Heather said...

Oh WOW! This is FANTASTIC stuff! I wish you could give these people character names and make a story out of it...sneaking photos and etc. That would be really neat =)

Steve Carell was on Ellen yesterday and I just love him so much. Anyone catch that episode?