Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Russ and I have recently gotten into watching Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. I know we are dorks, but it is so fun. Usually, we DVR the shows so we can watch while we are having dinner. Now, when I was little I used to watch Wheel (as i like to call it!) with my grandparents. Back in the day when the contestants were spinning the wheel they would shout out "C'Mon big money." Now though they don't. Every once in awhile you will hear something but not very often. Well, the other night Russ said "do you remember when they didn't give RSTLNE at the final puzzle?" I did not remember! Does anyone remember this?? I think it would be very difficult to solve the puzzle. BTW- i signed up to be a contestant on Wheel of Fortune. I doubt i will be selected, but who knows! Cross your fingers!! Hopefully, I can win big money!!


Stefanie said...

I don't remember when they didn't offer those extra letters! How long ago was that? I used to love WoF but haven't watched it much lately. You know, Vannah White is from S.C.?

Is the showing coming to Columbia? You would make an amazing contestant! Keep us updated! I really hope they choose you.

Christa said...

HA! I hope you make it on the show!!!!

Yep, Vanna is from Myrtle Beach...In fact, my mom used to babysit for her family. They all went to High School together. Small World.

And, no I do not remember when they left the letters out... That would be tough!

Jaysey said...

I remember the pre-RSTLNE days--Russ is not alone. You used to have to pick your own 5 consonants and one vowel. Personally, I thought it was a crock when they changed it--a little like the designated hitter in baseball--legalized game cheating. But that's me.

You also used to play for a prize--not cash money. Now, ask Russ if he remembers when they would "shop" for the prizes and "purchase" prizes "on account" instead of just winning money. That means you were watching when you were real little--and you have a good memory (like moi). ;-)

Russ and Sarah Compton said...

Jenn- i will have to ask him!! I must say you know your wheel!

Anonymous said...

Yes I do remeber when they would "shop" for prizes. They would have stuff like vacuum cleaners and household items. They only have a few seconds to pick it out. Then once they picked their prizes, the anouncer would describe each one. Kindof like they do ion the Price is Right.

Jaysey said...

It's possible I watched too much TV as a kid... ;-) I'm glad it appears Russ may have, too--at least I know I'm not alone--and then there's always Shelly...but she doesn't blog. I know she must remember this too, though--she? Was a Wheel of Fortune addict! That's why she was always so good at that video game at Scandals. ;-)

Colly said...

new post!

Chap and Heather said...

Well...any news? Let me know when I need to TiVo your episode!! =)