Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Goodbye 2008

I know I am really late on this post, but things have been crazy at work and I have not had a chance! So, here I am in the middle of January doing the New Year's post. Nothing like being late than never! 2008 seemed like it flew by for me. So many things happened, good, bad, but all in all it was a good year. I actually rang in 2008 in Columbus Ohio with my now husband, sister, and cousins. That seems like such a long time ago. It is so funny how things have changed! In 2008 my life changed in so many ways that I never would have guessed it would. I married my husband in April, we bought our first home together in July and in early December found out we were having a baby! WOW!! That is a big year.
2009 should be just as much fun! We have our friends weddings, babies being born, hopefully Clemson playing well this year and many things to celebrate!
With the new year comes resolutions! This year my main goal is to do my best to be healthy. I have been going to water aerobics at the gym a couple times a week. I had been doing Taebo at the gym, but the doctor recommended the water aerobics. Everything you have heard about water aerobics is probably true. I go with my mom and let me just tell you i am the youngest person there. It is such a good workout though. There are so many different levels that you can work out at that I get a good workout. It is not the most glamorous though. Like I said I am the youngest person there. It is actually quite humorous! Did i mention you also have to wear water shoes! Yes, i am dork and have a pair of water shoes that i wear with pride to my water aerobics class.
I also had a resolution to be more positive at work. I think i really only made it a day on this one. I am a total failure, but that is ok. Sometimes i work with idiots.
Russ had the resolution to quite smoking. I think like me he forgot that it was the middle of January because he is still at it. I would like him to quite, but can't force him. He has to decide to do it on his own.
I think that is all I have!! Hope you have a wonderful 2009!


Chap and Heather said...

You sure did have a big year, and I can't wait to see what 2009 brings! Good job on the water aerobics...I love the water so I imagine that would be fun =)

Happy New Year! =)

Stefanie said...

You guys did have a very big 2008! And 2009 will be huge as well! You've been doing really well with water aerobics and working out so I think you'll do a great job sticking to it. As for work, well, I think that's a great resolution!! Hopefully the drama will die down a bit and you'll be able to go back to enjoying it.

Jaysey said...

That is a pretty big year. Tons of changes! I don't know how you do it!

Water aerobics actually sounds kinda fun--you know, if I were still into exercising, which I am not. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Working on quitting as we speak.
Wearing the patch may or may not help...Only time will tell