Tuesday, February 17, 2009

update, update, update.....

It has been forever since the last update. The main reason is because of work. They are doing some "changes" here, so I have been working a lot. I am hoping that I will get to keep my job by the time this thing is over with. Right now, no one really knows. I am hoping they will at least keep my job until the baby comes, but I don't know at this point. I am not stressing out right now just keeping my fingers crossed.
Russ and I have been doing some home improvements. We have painted the downstairs hallway and the hallway leading upstairs. It looks so much better. We have also hung some new light fixtures. We re-did our bedroom. It is now in the colors of light blue and chocolate brown. It looks pretty grown-up i must say!
We went to the dr for my 4 month appointment last week. The baby is healthy and is in line with its progress. I think we might have a little personality on our hands! When the dr was trying to listen to the heartbeat the baby kicked twice and then swam away! Apparantly, he/she did not want to participate. I had to take my glucose test too, which i passed. Normally, they like you to take between I think 24 and 28 weeks, but due to my history I had to take early and will also do again in a few more weeks. I have only gained two pounds which I am really excited about. I have been walking on the treadmill and doing the water-aerobics also. I think it is paying off, or could it be the lack of alcohol intake????
Macks is still Macks. He has been acting crazy lately and I blame it on the rawhide bones. I swear those things are like crack for dogs. after seeing how he acted after eating the thing over the course of a couple of days, he will not get one for awhile. He was so hyper and then he ate part of Russ's shoe! He hasn't done that since he was a puppy almost three years ago! So, no more rawhides for him.
I think that is pretty much all that is going on. We had a nice relaxing Valentines day. We just stayed in and watched movies then went to dinner. I don't think Wheel-of-fortune is going to contact me. It's ok, i don't watch that show anymore! It got boring! I am now into the amazing race! It is where people race around the world for one million dollars!! Sunday's episode was hilarious! They had to do this obstacle in Switzerland that involved moving cheese. I laughed so hard I cried. Definitly check this show out. I don't know if I would want to go on this show though. It looks like they have to camp and stuff!
That is all i got! We are pretty boring! Hope everyone had a good Valentines day!


Colly said...

Thanks for the update! I can't believe you are 4 months already!!! Did you say that right!! ;-) I'm glad to hear everything is going well.

Jaysey said...

'Bout time you posted an update! You sound like you've been pretty busy, though. Glad things are progressing nicely with the baby.

Chap and Heather said...

Hooray for a healthy baby!1 Keep us posted on that little personality =)

Stefanie said...

Ah man, I still hope Wheel of Fortune contacts you!!
I can't wait to see the updates you guys have made to the house. Sounds very nice! So glad you finally updated. Hate that things are so crazy at work. I'm always thinking of ya!

Colly said...

I wanna hear more about the pregnancy life...you know, the stuff nobody ever talks about. Strange cravings, feelings, dreams, mood swings, sickness. You know, that kind of fun stuff.

Jaysey said...

It has been forever since the last update (again)