Wednesday, July 8, 2009

ponds, 4th of July and baby news

I know I have not blogged in forever! Surprise, Surprise. We have been very busy getting things around for the baby and Russ building a couple of small ponds in the backyard.

Our backyard is very large and wasn't very well maintained when we moved in. Russ has been working very hard and our yard is looking really good! We have plants in the front and two small ponds in the back connected with a waterfall! I must say it looks really good! There are also goldfish swimming around! The picture below is when the pond was first being built!! It looks completely different now, but this gives you a little idea!

The fourth of July we went to the beach for a few days to visit some friends, shoot fireworks and have a good time! It was our last outing until the baby comes!!
The baby is due in 3 weeks! The nursery is ready and we are set. We went to the doctor yesterday and she is measuring big! The dr thinks Annalee is around 7lbs right now and thinks I may go early! That would be wonderful as I am now very uncomfortable!
So now is the waiting game......


Stefanie said...

Oooh, I can't wait to see the ponds! How nice to have something like that in your backyard. And you guys do have a huge backyard. It's really nice.

Sooo ready for Annalee to get here!!

Jaysey said...

wow--only 2 or 3 more weeks to go, and your lives will be completely different! There will be another Compton in the world! Crazy! Can't wait to see her. You let me know when yshe starts accepting visitors. ;-)

Colly said...

I am trying to visualize the pond in your yard as a finished product. But I can't. I need you to take a picture of it now and make it much bigger so I can get some perspective!!! Cause it looks quite nice from what I can see
!! ;-)
I am so glad that you are shooting that 7 pound pea out soon!! Since I've never birthed a baby, all I can say is good luck and relax! =)

Chap and Heather said...

The pond looks AMAZING! Way to go Russ! Do we get any pics of the nursery??

I can't believe you are almost done! I am a little jealous =) I can't wait to meet Annalee, you are going to be a great mommy!!

Jill said...

Hey Sarah! I've been thinking about you lately - hope everything is going well and you are feeling good!