Friday, October 24, 2008


I am so excited it is Friday! This has been the longest week ever. Work has been really crazy lately since it is flu season! So I am really looking forward to the weekend! Also, this weekend I am helping to host an engagement party for our friends Tara and Eric. Tara and I have been friends since college. She and Eric are getting married in March!! I am so honored and excited to be a part of their special day!! The wedding party is throwing the party on Saturday night!! So, tonight my friend Stefanie is coming in town early to hang out!! I can't wait to see her. She moved up to DC back in January, so it will be nice to catch up, and also find out about her wedding (she just got engaged almost a month ago)! Her engagement party is next!! Then tomorrow Russ, Stefanie and I are headed to RH to meet some of the bridesmaids and Tara at the bridal shop to order our dresses, then off to lunch and then set up for the party (I doubt Russ will be doing this stuff)!!! Macks will hopefully be going to his grandparents, they just don't know it yet!!! Hopefully, today will go by fast!!!


Teaching Toddlers said...

You two are so cute! I love the blog idea. It really makes me feel like I can keep up with what is going on in South Carolina. Barry, Ava and I miss you guys so much. Have a wonderful weekend! I know the engagement party will be perfect. We will see you soon!

Stefanie said...

Sarah, I love the blog!! Be sure to post often as I need something to do with myself at work.
And I will be looking for those pictures from the engagement party!
Great to see you this weekend!!

Christa said...

I had a blast this weekend!!!

Glad you are blogging!!!! :)